Algeria Population - 2022

The population of Algeria is 45 350 141 Pop..

Algeria Evolution of the population

Total population (2022)

45 350 141 Pop..

Natural increase


Ration M/F (2020)

102.10 ♂ /100 ♀
77.5 years

Life expectancy (2020)

28.5 years

Median age

Map of the country

Data forAlgeria since 1950

Year Pop.. (1er January) Density H/km²
2020 43851.043000 18
2019 43053.054000 18
2018 42228.415000 17
2017 41389.174000 17
2016 40551.398000 17
2015 39728.020000 16
2014 38923.688000 16
2013 38140.135000 16
2012 37383.899000 15
2011 36661.438000 15
2010 35977.451000 15
2009 35333.882000 14
2008 34730.604000 14
2007 34166.976000 14
2006 33641.007000 14
2005 33149.720000 13
2004 32692.153000 13
2003 32264.159000 13
2002 31855.110000 13
2001 31451.513000 13
2000 31042.238000 13
1999 30623.406000 12
1998 30192.750000 12
1997 29742.980000 12
1996 29266.415000 12
1995 28757.788000 12
1994 28213.777000 11
1993 27635.517000 11
1992 27028.330000 11
1991 26400.468000 11
1990 25758.872000 10
1989 25106.192000 10
1988 24443.472000 10
1987 23774.287000 9
1986 23102.386000 9
1985 22431.507000 9
1984 21763.578000 9
1983 21101.875000 8
1982 20452.901000 8
1981 19824.297000 8
1980 19221.659000 8
1979 18647.801000 7
1978 18102.266000 7
1977 17582.899000 7
1976 17085.799000 7
1975 16607.706000 6
1974 16149.018000 6
1973 15709.831000 6
1972 15285.992000 6
1971 14872.253000 6
1970 14464.992000 6
1969 14061.724000 5
1968 13663.581000 5
1967 13275.020000 5
1966 12902.626000 5
1965 12550.880000 5
1964 12221.675000 5
1963 11912.800000 5
1962 11619.828000 4
1961 11336.336000 4
1960 11057.864000 4
1959 10783.228000 4
1958 10514.077000 4
1957 10253.777000 4
1956 10006.145000 4
1955 9774.280000 4
1954 9560.147000 4
1953 9364.381000 3
1952 9186.150000 3
1951 9023.263000 3
1950 8872.250000 3

Algeria Age pyramid - Men - Female

0%0%0.1%0.4%0.7%1.1%1.6%2.6%3.2%3.9%4.6%5.5%6.8%8%8.5%8.2%6.9%6.7%8.8%10.7%11.6%0%0%0.1%0.4%0.9%1.3%1.7%2.6%3.2%4%4.8%5.6%6.9%8.1%8.5%8.1%6.8%6.6%8.6%10.5%11.4%100%Chart created using amCharts library