Brazil Population - 2022

The population of Brazil is 215 353 588 Pop..

Brazil Evolution of the population

Total population (2022)

215 353 588 Pop..

Natural increase


Ration M/F (2020)

96.59 ♂ /100 ♀
76.6 years

Life expectancy (2020)

33.5 years

Median age

Map of the country

Data forBrazil since 1950

Year Pop.. (1er January) Density H/km²
2020 212559.409000 25
2019 211049.519000 25
2018 209469.320000 25
2017 207833.825000 24
2016 206163.056000 24
2015 204471.759000 24
2014 202763.744000 24
2013 201035.904000 24
2012 199287.292000 23
2011 197514.541000 23
2010 195713.637000 23
2009 193886.505000 23
2008 192030.362000 22
2007 190130.445000 22
2006 188167.353000 22
2005 186127.108000 22
2004 184006.479000 22
2003 181809.244000 21
2002 179537.523000 21
2001 177196.051000 21
2000 174790.339000 20
1999 172318.674000 20
1998 169785.253000 20
1997 167209.046000 20
1996 164614.682000 19
1995 162019.889000 19
1994 159432.717000 19
1993 156849.086000 18
1992 154259.382000 18
1991 151648.007000 18
1990 149003.225000 17
1989 146328.305000 17
1988 143627.505000 17
1987 140891.606000 16
1986 138108.915000 16
1985 135274.083000 16
1984 132383.569000 15
1983 129448.815000 15
1982 126498.322000 15
1981 123570.327000 14
1980 120694.012000 14
1979 117878.412000 14
1978 115121.158000 13
1977 112425.392000 13
1976 109790.943000 13
1975 107216.209000 12
1974 104706.193000 12
1973 102259.497000 12
1972 99859.388000 11
1971 97482.928000 11
1970 95113.265000 11
1969 92746.607000 11
1968 90387.079000 10
1967 88035.815000 10
1966 85696.502000 10
1965 83373.533000 9
1964 81064.572000 9
1963 78772.647000 9
1962 76514.329000 9
1961 74311.338000 8
1960 72179.235000 8
1959 70123.372000 8
1958 68140.426000 8
1957 66221.469000 7
1956 64355.709000 7
1955 62533.920000 7
1954 60749.490000 7
1953 58999.276000 7
1952 57283.658000 6
1951 55606.413000 6
1950 53974.728000 6

Brazil Age pyramid - Men - Female

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