Indonesia Population - 2022

The population of Indonesia is 279 134 505 Pop..

Indonesia Evolution of the population

Total population (2022)

279 134 505 Pop..

Natural increase


Ration M/F (2020)

101.41 ♂ /100 ♀
72.3 years

Life expectancy (2020)

29.7 years

Median age

Map of the country

Neighbouring countries

Malaysia Papua New Guinea Timor-Leste

Data forIndonesia since 1950

Year Pop.. (1er January) Density H/km²
2020 273523.621000 150
2019 270625.567000 149
2018 267670.549000 147
2017 264650.969000 146
2016 261556.386000 144
2015 258383.257000 142
2014 255128.076000 140
2013 251805.314000 138
2012 248451.714000 137
2011 245115.988000 135
2010 241834.226000 133
2009 238620.554000 131
2008 235469.755000 129
2007 232374.239000 128
2006 229318.262000 126
2005 226289.468000 124
2004 223285.666000 123
2003 220309.473000 121
2002 217357.790000 119
2001 214427.419000 118
2000 211513.822000 116
1999 208615.171000 115
1998 205724.597000 113
1997 202826.444000 111
1996 199901.231000 110
1995 196934.257000 108
1994 193917.458000 107
1993 190851.184000 105
1992 187739.786000 103
1991 184591.897000 101
1990 181413.398000 100
1989 178209.147000 98
1988 174975.953000 96
1987 171702.756000 94
1986 168374.287000 92
1985 164982.452000 91
1984 161523.353000 89
1983 158009.248000 87
1982 154468.235000 85
1981 150938.222000 83
1980 147447.834000 81
1979 144009.844000 79
1978 140621.731000 77
1977 137278.057000 75
1976 133966.940000 73
1975 130680.730000 72
1974 127422.198000 70
1973 124199.693000 68
1972 121017.316000 66
1971 117880.146000 65
1970 114793.179000 63
1969 111758.566000 61
1968 108779.926000 60
1967 105865.576000 58
1966 103025.423000 56
1965 100267.070000 55
1964 97596.728000 53
1963 95015.295000 52
1962 92518.373000 51
1961 90098.396000 49
1960 87751.066000 48
1959 85477.628000 47
1958 83284.051000 45
1957 81179.211000 44
1956 79172.800000 43
1955 77273.427000 42
1954 75487.888000 41
1953 73820.844000 40
1952 72274.629000 39
1951 70849.443000 39
1950 69543.321000 38

Indonesia Age pyramid - Men - Female

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