Mozambique Population - 2022

The population of Mozambique is 33 089 463 Pop..

Mozambique Evolution of the population

Total population (2022)

33 089 463 Pop..

Natural increase


Ration M/F (2020)

94.53 ♂ /100 ♀
62.1 years

Life expectancy (2020)

17.6 years

Median age

Map of the country

Data forMozambique since 1950

Year Pop.. (1er January) Density H/km²
2020 31255.435000 39
2019 30366.043000 38
2018 29496.009000 37
2017 28649.007000 36
2016 27829.930000 35
2015 27042.001000 34
2014 26286.192000 33
2013 25560.752000 32
2012 24862.673000 31
2011 24187.500000 30
2010 23531.567000 29
2009 22894.718000 29
2008 22276.596000 28
2007 21673.319000 27
2006 21080.108000 26
2005 20493.927000 26
2004 19910.549000 25
2003 19331.097000 24
2002 18764.147000 23
2001 18221.884000 23
2000 17711.925000 22
1999 17244.176000 21
1998 16813.946000 21
1997 16397.175000 20
1996 15960.445000 20
1995 15483.277000 19
1994 14948.050000 19
1993 14370.950000 18
1992 13805.999000 17
1991 13328.029000 16
1990 12987.292000 16
1989 12805.950000 16
1988 12758.003000 16
1987 12786.353000 16
1986 12808.566000 16
1985 12764.385000 16
1984 12636.120000 16
1983 12439.773000 15
1982 12189.817000 15
1981 11913.085000 15
1980 11630.194000 14
1979 11341.405000 14
1978 11041.206000 14
1977 10738.534000 13
1976 10443.954000 13
1975 10165.216000 12
1974 9906.963000 12
1973 9668.655000 12
1972 9446.235000 12
1971 9232.655000 11
1970 9022.747000 11
1969 8816.056000 11
1968 8614.445000 10
1967 8417.698000 10
1966 8225.919000 10
1965 8039.217000 10
1964 7857.107000 9
1963 7679.465000 9
1962 7507.309000 9
1961 7342.117000 9
1960 7184.870000 9
1959 7035.799000 8
1958 6894.491000 8
1957 6760.108000 8
1956 6631.668000 8
1955 6508.400000 8
1954 6389.675000 8
1953 6275.232000 7
1952 6165.054000 7
1951 6059.446000 7
1950 5958.982000 7

Mozambique Age pyramid - Men - Female

0%0%0%0%0.2%0.4%0.7%1%1.3%1.7%2.2%2.9%4%5.1%6.3%7.7%9.5%11.6%13.3%15.1%17.1%0%0%0%0.1%0.3%0.6%1%1.4%1.7%2.2%2.8%3.5%4.3%5.3%6.2%7.5%9.2%11.1%12.6%14.1%16%100%Chart created using amCharts library